Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hear Barry Talk: Coming Soon...

I am currently developing a radio segment. It will consist mainly of three parts or concepts:
  1. Tools for Conservative American Activists: I will have guests and hold discussions regarding ACTUAL STRATEGIES that individuals and groups can realistically use to resist and overcome the twin-evils of "leftist Marxism" and "rightist fascism."
  2. Dissecting the Liberal Mind: Inviting liberal callers to the front of the line for an on-the-air "living dissection." Here, with a willing (yet clueless) subject, I will allow them to challenge my ideas in any way they see fit. By showing how liberals use our own emotional responses against us, I will consistantly strip bare why conservatives fail and how anyone can reverse the trend. Once understood, this will change every American activist's life and perspective regarding politics.
  3. Discussions Regarding Psychology and Soul: I will provide advice to callers dealing with issues ranging from intimidation to depression to destraction. Is there a deep parallel between the conflict in the home and the conflicts between parties, race, and culture? Our personal problems, long considered to be separate from the fate of our country, MUST be confronted if we are truly to be a "free" people. We will be defeated without if we are not already victorious within.

If you would like to be a guest or would like to hear when and how I end up producing this show, please follow me on Twitter and follow me on

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